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    7 replies
    Do you have any tips on how to stay motivated and productive over a longer period of time?


    Caroline Schmidt
    Don't be mad at yourself if you had a bad day - see every single day as a new beginning and a new chance to come closer to your dreams! Focus on your goals and be excited about reaching them! ✨
    Yaser Shahian
    I believe I'm human after all, so I forgive myself if I missed a day or week. Don't ruin your long-term plans. It isn't easy to always be good.
    André J
    Depends massively on if you're an employee or a founder. Completely different incentives.
    Amar Cp
    Maintain a positive mindset and celebrate small achievements. Focus on what you have accomplished rather than what is left to be done.
    Richard Galovič
    Find a coach or mentor. She or he will keep you in revs while preventing burn out. 😉
    Pablo Roig
    Rest is essential for me, you can do springs, but it shouldn´t be the frequent mode if you dont want to end burn-out.
    Mehmet Yiğit Coşkun
    Maybe you have already known all of those. What I wanted to do is to just remind you that you might start to transform the way how you think about about challenges or problems. If you can embrace a growth mindset, continuous improvement culture and see the issues you face with as a learning opportunity, the only thing you need to do is to begin asking yourself "how could I do it better next time?". Maybe you would like to check this book - Mindset by Carol Dweck or maybe get through this article - https://fs.blog/carol-dweck-mind... Moreover, "Autonomy", "Mastery" and "Purpose" are the 3 main factors which affects our motivation according to Daniel Pink, while working if the hygene criterias are provided. Maybe you would like to check this out.