Product or Post ? What's the difference?

Abdullah Kaludi
1 reply
I am little confused, can you guys helps me. I have created a product first to launch, here is the link - But it gives a link with posts So I have created another product in same way - Now both are published, which is better get feedback and reviews to get popular on PH. My main question is that to share first link or second one? Your help and suggestions will be much appreciated.


Suman Choudhary
Hey Abdullah, Product link is what takes you to the Product Hub - it's the central page for your product on Product Hunt. All the information related to a product's journey on Product Hunt has been rolled up into one location. You can find launches, reviews, team members, awards, and news about products throughout the years. Post link is what takes you to 'a' particular launch. One can engage with the launch here by upvoting and commenting. Reviews can be given on the Product link, and regarding sharing the link with others - now that both (Product and Post) are published.. you can share both, but ideally one shares the Post link. This is your Product link - And, this is your Post link - You can also see your launch on the Product Hub/link - I've also sent you an invite to claim your Product - Please accept it and you'll be able to access your Product Hub! Hope this helped :)