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  • Product or marketing?Which is more important?

    Raju Sivaram
    11 replies


    Edward Moore
    Product first, marketing second. You need something great to promote. Once your product’s on point, marketing will help spread the word.
    Udaya Sri
    I think they go together. A great product without marketing is just as ineffective as a bad product with great marketing.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    Both are equally important! A great product is the foundation—without it, there's nothing of value to offer. However, even the best product can go unnoticed without effective marketing.
    both important, but there's nothing to market if you don't have a [good] product...
    Nola S.
    You really need both a great product and effective marketing. A solid product won’t succeed without good marketing, and marketing won’t work if the product isn’t up to par.
    Joseph Parker
    While the product is crucial, marketing drives awareness and interest. Even the best product needs effective marketing to reach potential customers.
    Perry Zheng
    There is nothing to market without a product and there is little to no product demand without marketing.
    Sonali Negi✍️ (Readers SENSITIVE content
    Marketing a poor product won't bring results and without a great marketing, having a great product is of no use.
    Sunil Siwach
    Both are equals.
    Kate Shcherbak
    Ideally, both product and marketing should be aligned and equally prioritized. A strong product combined with effective marketing creates a powerful synergy that can lead to business success.
    Daniel Joseph Bennett
    Definitely need both... A great product won't take off without marketing to spread awareness. And marketing is wasted on a subpar product that doesn't retain users. Gotta nail the product and invest in marketing... that's the winning combo!