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  • Product Hunt should become Twitter for founders, makers, builders and indiehackers

    Rami - Browsingbuddies.com
    13 replies
    Almost everyone I engage with on Twitter is a founder building valuable products for their users and I was thinking why are we on Twitter? Twitter is a generic global forum where most of the content is irrelevant for me and most founders. Twitter has a massive amount of spam and noise that is distracting and counter productive for makers yet the vast majority of us are on the platform interacting with one another. Product Hunt initially started out as a platform to share new products and eventually new ideas/discussions but that is not enough IMO. Product Hunt should evolve into a full fledged ecosystem for founders of all backgrounds to interact, learn, and grow with one another. some desired features: 1. Direct Messaging 2. Team/Group/Company Association 3. Different user tiers i.e. founders/makers, co-founders, employees, associates or something similar 4. Each user tier has different privileges so if I wanted to only post to founders only and not necessarily the marketers associated with them then I could do that with ease Summary: I'd like Product Hunt to do more for me!


    Henry Habib
     There's definitely room for improvement here!Direct messaging and tiered privileges sound like great additions, it could really help filter out the noise and make interactions more valuable. Maybe it could also feature niche groups for specific interests?!  
    Rami - Browsingbuddies.com
    @henry_habib yeah that's some of what I was thinking. Mainly it's the engagement. I see people I would like to contact but I can't contact them directly or they didn't add their LinkedIn/Twitter so I have 0 way of getting a hold of them.
    Yep!! This community section can be improved a lot. There should be an open feed. Now it's more controlled. I like reading genuine stories of founders. But the feed is always showing the same. I don't know, sometimes it's too much job to scroll in this "news" tab.
    cant agree more :)
    Mark Amouzgar
    I really like the features you’ve proposed. Direct messaging and role-based user tiers could allow for more focused discussions and networking opportunities, ensuring that the interactions remain relevant and valuable.
    100% Agreed, Rami!
    Mathis Vella
    Definitely waiting for such features, direct messaging and images uploading are game changer to me
    Rami - Browsingbuddies.com
    @mathis_vella I agree with DMing but why would uploading images benefit you? Just to better communicate your messaging or what is the use case?