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  • Product Hunt's Hidden Feature: See upvotes of other products

    Rohan Chaubey
    0 replies
    In case some new members are unaware — There is a way to check other product's full list of upvoters. Follow the steps: Step 1: Download the mobile app of Product Hunt on iOS or Android. Step 2: Search the product on the app and find their Product Hub page. Step 3: Click on the followers tab (most followers are also their upvoters). The followers list contains:
  • People who click 'Notify me' on the Teaser / Coming Soon page.
  • Their upvoters.
  • Their followers of Product Hub page. How can this be useful? 1. You can use this to browse through what ICP prefers to engage with your competitor's or similar products. 2. You can also follow the followers of products that have the same or similar ICP as your product. Hope this helps. :) P.S. Are you aware of any hidden or lesser-known features of Product Hunt? Share in the comments below!
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