Product Hunt is good, but here are 5 alternatives for it πŸš€

Tanmay M
41 replies
1 Beta Page 2 Steam Hunt 3 Launching Next 4 Beta List 5 Hacker News


Rich Watson
Great post, thanks for the info. Surprised they even approved of this topic.. I've had some denied for less
Tanmay M
Thank you everyone for reading this thread πŸ˜ƒ If you want to read the original thread click here πŸ‘ˆ
Roberto Morais
@tanmaymakode great list. Do you have any experience with them that you can share? Which one would you recommend on those five? I would love another indie hacker community to join (only using PH and private discord groups at the moment).
Tanmay M
@robertomorais Betalist is the best option, But actually here's a secret, If your product is successful on PH it would automatically get listed on some platforms, This happened to me when I launched flipclock . It was automatically listed on launchingnext. Which was really amazing
Laura Ciccone
@robertomorais @tanmaymakode That's really great to know! thanks for sharing the info. Do you actively engage with any, or use them more for promotion?
Tanmay M
@robertomorais @laura_a_ciccone I actually don't engage much, Just use it sometimes for promotions, My main focus is PH now
Marco Ancona
Thanks, great list πŸ‘
Thanks. I am new here, so very much appreciated.
Tony Yan
thanks for your sharing
Thanks for sharing this Tanmay!
Thanks for sharing.
Fiona Chin
thanks for sharing
Brenna Donoghue
Such a great list. Thanks! Does anyone have experience launching across multiples all at once? Or is it better to concentrate energy into one launch at a time?
I've tried BetaList, and I was quite surprised in a good way. To be honest, I didn't except anything from it. Cons: you submit your startup but if you don't pay, you have no idea when it'll be featured. Pro: it's free, super easy to submit, and it brings a few signups. Actually, we even found new international partners thanks to it! I'll give a try to the others this summer, follow me on PH if you want to be updated, I'll do a full feedback then :)
Jonathan Massabni
Wow thanks Tanmay! πŸ”₯
Akram Quraishi
My experience with some of the above: Beta Page: Easy to get listed. Not a lot of traffic. Betalist: It used to have enormous traffic earlier. But recently we listed on our of product and did not get so much traffic. However, the quality of traffic is good. Hacker News: You can post a "Show HN" or "Ask HN" asking for feedback on your Product or landing page. Don't expect traffic or conversions. But you can get great feedback.
Gaurav Goyal
This is a great list Tanmay. Thanks for sharing.
Mark Prutskiy
Thanks for the list! Did you get from them traffic?
I have never experienced launching on any other platforms, But thanks for the list. I will check this out.
Piotr Bartoszek
Hey @tanmaymakode πŸ‘‹ Nice list, maybe you could have a look at my side project Owwly ( We do the same thing and present products in clean and tidy form :)