Post - Product Hunt launch tips!

Frank Nguyen | Afforai
7 replies
What’s your goal after PH launch? What do you do to achieve that goal?


Robert Mao
Good question and wish to get more replies!
Frank Nguyen | Afforai
@mave99a couldn’t agreed further. Might be bc of the timinng. Will re discussed tmr! Hope to see you there too 🙌
Dan from Avarup
Launching Avarup soon, so very interested in this thread.
amanah alfian
good luck for the product launch !
Samuel Perry
Launch day success is right around the corner if you nail your tagline to capture their attention, make a great GIF to highlight your product, and participate in the comments like a champ!
Aman Rawat
Very curious for the answers. We are launching Zimyo in few days. Everything I have prepared seems to be less. Here is our coming soon page, any feedbacks are welcome -