Planning my PH launch - should I do a lifetime deal?

Jacky Wong
4 replies
Hey all, I wanted to celebrate the launch of VoiceReplace. I was thinking of doing a lifetime deal on launch to get to cash-flow positive state (I'm looking to make sure I'm cash-flow positive by end of February so would love to hear how others are doing this)


Kira Ortega
A lifetime deal could be a strategic move for a quick cash injection during the launch but consider its long-term implications. Ensure it aligns with your overall business goals and won't hinder future growth.
If you have a compelling product and you believe in it, you shouldn’t have to give it away. Definitely offer a good discount to people who support you, but be mindful. Ultimately it’s up to you of course.
Kobe Hall
Consider your business model and goals carefully. Lifetime deals can create initial traction but may have long-term implications. Assess the value proposition for both you and your users.
Ash M
Depends on your cost. If you're unsure - you can do a lifetime discount (example: 50% off every month for life) OR a really cheap annual plan (to reduce risk)