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  • PH gods 🙏 roast my landing page

    Nishith from True Sparrow
    19 replies
    Would you change anything? Tear it apart and critique it if you have a minute please. Here's the link: https://thursday.social/


    Paul Mit
    It looks quite interesting and bright! Makes you dive into exploring the details and the product. Keep going!
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    @mituhin Thanks Paul. Try out the doodle race. :)
    Hey @nishith_shah, I may not have that eye for design. But for me, the page looks great. Every section is well presented, bold, and clear. The only thing I found is there is a horizontal scroll bar on the page. Just fix that and it's awesome.
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    @imtiyaz922 That's super helpful. What browser & device did you try it on?
    @nishith_shah I'm using Firefox on Windows.
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    @imtiyaz922 Got it. Thanks.
    Kiran Kanakadandi (yugahq.com)
    Sorry but it's kind of perfect :) Looks good and conveys what you intend to. All the best!
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    @kirank5a Thanks Kiran!
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    @lior_galante_cohen Thanks! Appreciate it.
    Sharath Kuruganty
    Undefeated Underdogs Podcast
    Undefeated Underdogs Podcast
    Love the vibe with all the colors and boldness. The only piece missing is the social proof. I highly recommend adding some testimonials so others can relate to the value the product is bringing!
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    @5harath Totally. That's something that we very much need to work on and add. Once we have a good number of these on twitter, I would love to add Shoutout.
    Vivek Ganesan
    Great landing page with attractive look! As a person who has facilitated such events (never knew we could call them 'socials'), I can see the value this product adds during this remote-work era. Will try this at the next opportunity and give you a shoutout on twitter Possible improvements: 1. The CTA "Send your condolences" at the bottom of the page somehow creates my first social. This came across as a surprise to me. 2. May be I am overthinking here. The top line with days of the week looks like a menu bar, with the 'current' item being thursday. I was tempted to click on the other days of the week to see what they hold :D
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    @vivek_ganesan Thanks Vivek. Started following you on twitter. I would look forward to you taking it for a spin. And I agree. We have to do better with the CTAs for the catch phrases. Thanks again.
    Nishith! So happy to see you launch!!!! When I saw your LinkedIn post way back you really got my attention - happy to see it come to life. Here are a few pointers, all imho- these are all small details to help you go (hopefully) from 90% to 100% - Love the hero! It's bold and clear. How come you choose to say "do socials *weekly*". I like to think that a website also works as a user guide for future customers. Why suggest that there is a limit on how often people use Thursday (aka only weekly)? - "no sign up" is such a huge win! I would make that 5x bigger- you've removed so much friction, I'd really highlight that. - the "send your condolences" CTA at the end of the page left me a tad confused, I wasn't sure what that was going to lead me to and was surprised to see I created a new social. - other than that, I'd love to see more of the "what's in it for me" throughout the page. - Just to riff: Most people think fun is for Friday, we made Thursday for remote teams who *do* socials. So you can have fun even on thursdays. Hope this helps! LOVE it! planning on using it with the team this week!!!
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    @ssaallyy So sorry for a late reply! Thank you for your supremely insightful feedback. Absolutely all your points are spot-on and makes total sense. We have started working on these. I will ping you in a day or two once fixed.
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    @ssaallyy Once again, thanks a lot! We have made changes based on your feedback: - removed 'weekly' - made 'no sign up' bigger - 'send your condolences' CTA is like an easter egg now. Try it now. - 'whats in it for me': We are now highlighting the main pain - "We have taken out all the pain from organizing socials. Fun times are just 1-click away." What do you think? What are we missing? https://thursday.social/