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  • Pesky Payment Issue

    Darrin Malone
    0 replies
    Hey Product Hunters! I wanted to propose this idea of the PH Users not having to use a card to sign up for any of the trials on this site. Part of the fun of this site is to be able to get in there and try these new technologies. However, having just had three different expensive charges on my card for services I never intented to continue prompted me to think of something new for us. I dont know how this would work. I know that part of the value for products that intro themselves here is that they'd get a bunch of sign ups. However, I would argue that the main benefit is feedback from us. I know there are things I can do like take the extra time to cancel after signing up so that at the end of the evalutation period I wont get charged for a renewal but this takes time, especially when youre forced to email support to cancel. There are also services like privacy.com that can help with this but after 12 cards you have to pay. So, maybe product hunt ref links to these products dont req cards?
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