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  • Personal brand vs. Company brand ❌ What have I found out?

    Yesterday I asked, which one you prefer the most (Investing in terms of your time and finances into building that brand). Results: Personal brand – 81% Company's brand – 19% 25 replies Why is it so? 🤷‍♀️ I borrow the answer from @janak_patel56 : Personal brand builds your company brand When I break it to the points: ● People trust people (real faces, real situations). Speaking to a logo is not very personal. We like to identify with people. Not with some graphic fluff on the background. ● People create stories, very rarely (I would say almost never) vice versa. ● As @benjamin_sloutsky said: "A personal brand definitely seems easier to build because people relate more to emotions and it’s easier to invoke more emotions through yourself than a company." ● Brands live thanks to the cult and charisma of their founders (personal brand) – like Mars (chocolate producer), Henry Ford, and Tomáš Baťa. Every company brand has its leader. When I say the company's name, I recall the founder they became famous for (Apple – Jobs, Microsoft – Gates). The same could apply to bands. When I say the Queen – you recall Freddy Mercury. But I do not think if I said: Roger Taylor – you would associate him with the Queen. The founder is like a frontman of the brand (company). ✅ Takeaway: Be an authentic person. Thanks to @sandradjajic – I know Klu. Thanks to @rrhoover – I know Product Hunt... and so on.


    Konrad S.
    I agree with your points about the advantages of personal brands. However, company brands also have important advantages, for example * Company brands highlight the value of every employee. Personally, I wouldn't like to work for a company that is defined by the "cult and charisma of their founders" (your words). And I wouldn't want my employees to work "for me", but to work towards a common goal. * Regarding your first point, people also trust "logos" IF they are associated with quality products and ideals. There are also many prestigious companies that are not much associated with specific persons, e.g. BMW, Samsung, maybe also Google Just as I prefer a constitution over a king, I prefer a company brand over a personal brand.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @konrad_sx Konrad, these are good points. You opened my perspective a little bit! Thanks. I resonate mostly with the first statement because only collectively can be achieved something huge. Unfortunately, the herd of people are often overlooked. You reminded me of the importance of collectivity. 🙂
    Konrad S.
    @busmark_w_nika Always happy to open perspectives :)
    Maurizio Isendoorn
    Amazing findings! I like how you did the poll yesterday and share your insights today!
    Maurizio Isendoorn
    @busmark_w_nika it’s a great way to approach stuff like this like a researcher.
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Personal brand is portable too. You can use it to launch and propel the next business.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @jgani Bingo! When is something under one shelter (personal brand) it has a bigger chance of succeed. And brands are associated with the person.
    Yami Sun
    Very insightful. We're launching "Cascad3 - A decentralized inspiration-driven publishing platform" on Product Hunt soon. Let's collaborate! I would appreciate your support and feedback by clicking the "Notify Me" button to stay tuned when Cascad3 hits the stage👇 producthunt.com/products/cascad3 Thank you! Best regards, Yami
    Boris Markarian
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    I think you are absolutely right. Thank you for these points!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @boris_moris44 Boris, I am glad you find the results of the community valuable. :)
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    I remember participating in that discussion. These are good insights. Thank you for sharing.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @realdesigntack Yep, these results are your results. I like to have an engaging community that brings value to others! :-)
    Alex AI
    Yep Always is better to focus on building a personal brand.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @byalexai Please, louder! :D
    Milli Sen
    Interesting insights. But true, personal brand can build your brand faster.
    Anish Sharma
    AppSave by Appscribed
    True, personal branding provides huge impact and much more easier to build.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @anishsharma it is true, because as a personal brand you speak for yourself with your tone of voice.
    Benjamin Sloutsky
    Great findings! Thanks for sharing the insights. I think I wrote in your previous post but I definitely agree that personal brand is probably slightly more important.