PC vs Mac

Oleg Eltsov
60 replies
Let the battle begin!


Govind Mohan
https://frame.work with Arch Linux, although I'm a dev who's on the masochistic side
Oleg Eltsov
It's hard for me to answer, I have 2 PCs at home and one Mac. 😅
Ervin Caci
Mac for work, Pc for gaming 😆
I appreciate the unique qualities and capabilities of both platforms, and have developed a deep appreciation for their differences after using them extensively in my career.
It is a Mac for work and more powerful tasks for PC.
Judith Amarachi 💙
Sounds like an alarm for a third world war 😅
Derin İlkcan Karakoç
If the PC option is supposed to mean Windows, then Mac is the winner. If we consider Linux under the PC umbrella, PC is the winner. Personally, I have a Mac and a couple of Linux PCs (didn't touch windows in 5 years, hopefully never will) and I use both extensively every day.
Vasiliy Berenkov
PC for games or working with graphics, Mac for everyday working and web surfing.
Dave-Anthony Smith
Mac all the way, its the ecosystem for me. With everything syncing between my Mac, iphone, ipad, apple watch, it's amazing! I'm all for ease of work and better productivity flow.
Vova Makstakov
Please tell me when you can play Cyberpunk on a Mac 😉