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  • Passed 500 followers and 180 day streak …

    Simona O'Neill
    10 replies
    But this post is not about accolades, wins and vanity metrics! This post is about what I’ve lost along the way . Last couple of weeks have been the most testing time of my life. I’ve lost the will to work, talk to people, exercise, dream of the future… I’ve spent every day in hospital looking after my 63 year old dying mom 😔. I mention the age because people always assume that parents die old. All of my grandparents lived way past their 80s so I assumed that too! Last week I saw what every child should see to truly appreciate life, health and things that really matter! I’ve never cried or hurt as much as I did lately. But not because I felt sorry for myself! I felt sorry for all the times I wasn’t the best daughter I could have been. I felt sorry for all the times I wasn’t as present and kind with my time as I should have been! Always busy, always on my phone or laptop, always more important things to take care of … Always half listening to what my mom was saying to me … Because I was multitasking. Always ! Now I know that there is NOTHING more important than being truly present! Because I finally was …while holding my mother’s hand when she took her last breath 🥺💔 I will never be the same . My life will never be the same. And I hope that after reading this you won’t be the same too! We all fall into a trap of living to work. Our ambitions, aspirations, needs and wants take over. And that’s great ! But somewhere along the way we forget about life outside work. We get sucked into a vortex and get flushed down the drain instead of swimming calmly and freely ! I want to be FREE! I now need to be fully present for my children and teach them to be the same! It’s so cliche and for some life can be very long , but in my case it can be super short! My dad passed away aged 58 and my mom 63. I’ll be 41 this year… I can’t change the past , I can’t predict the future… but I sure as hell can control the present! ❤️ Here’s to life, unconditional love and finding a better version of ourselves each day !


    Gurkaran Singh
    Wow, your heartfelt reflection truly hits home on what truly matters in life! It's like debugging code - sometimes we need a profound error message to realign our priorities. Keep cherishing those present moments and continue evolving into that better version of yourself each day!
    Simona O'Neill
    @thestarkster thank you Gurkaran! It does put everything into perspective.
    Aris Nakos
    Simona, I am sorry for your loss. This is an important time for your spirit. These feelings suggest the depth on your part, which nothing but quality time can fulfill. I hope you can take the time and space you need to grieve.
    Simona O'Neill
    @aris_nakos Thanks so much for your kind words. I just wanted to share my experience with you all. Hoping that perhaps it would help someone not to have the same regrets.
    I am deeply sorry for your loss and the difficult time you are going through. Your message is a powerful reminder of the importance of being present and cherishing moments with our loved ones. Your vulnerability and honesty are truly moving, and I hope that you find comfort and strength in the memories you shared with your mom. Remember to take care of yourself during this challenging time, and surround yourself with support and love. Your journey towards being a better version of yourself each day is inspirational, and I have no doubt that you will continue to grow and honor your mom's memory in a beautiful way. We are building a marketing Contentify AI for Free here, just look up Contentify AI.
    Hossein Yazdi
    This is so heartbreaking. 😢 💔 You've lost the most precious gift in the world. I hope you can take all the time and space you need to grieve, as Aris mentioned. 🙏
    Elaine Lu
    Congratulations on hitting 500 followers and maintaining a 180-day streak, Simona! Your dedication and consistency are truly inspiring!
    Andrea Vannelli
    Hi Simona, it's strange, but nothing happens at random, yesterday I saw a documentary about how the Buddhist monaches think about death, for them it is simply a passage for something better. For many religions it is the same thing. St. Francis called her sister death. You will surely be sad because your mother will no more be physically close to you, but think that she is now in a better place and that her spirit is not dead, but lives in another form I wish you that your path of consciousness on the things that now you consider the most important to be full of satisfactions
    Simona O'Neill
    @andrea789 Thanks for that ! I truly believe that too 🙏🏻