Our very first launch! 🚀 And how this day is going on

Carmen JimĂŠnez
14 replies
Today, we have launched for the very first time our first creation. We have been sleeping very little for a few days, but that has not stopped us from being wide awake today because of our nerves. One of the things I had clear that I wanted to do in this launch is to comment almost live how everything was going, which problems appeared, and what things we were learning along the day. Btw, identid.me is a platform for creating (amazing) online portfolios for creatives. You can check it out here: https://www.producthunt.com/post... So, I'll be sharing how the day is going on through this thread: https://twitter.com/identidme/st... We are so excited and nervous! 🎉


Anand Radhakrishnan
Congratulations! We just lauched on PH today and share the same emotions..Do check us out too :)
Carmen JimĂŠnez
@valvesolutions Sure! I'm gonna check it out right now :)
Congratulations Carmen! Can totally relate the experience as we've recently launched too and it was our first time as a maker also! God speed! Wishing your launch a great success! @copybycarmen
Carmen JimĂŠnez
@rubaiyat_farhan Thank you so much! This is really more stressful and exciting than I thought it would be 😂
Oliver Waters
Looks great and congrats on the launch! 🎉
Ruben Wolff
Congratulations on the launch, I had a look at identid.me, and it looks quite good so I upvoted it ;) Best of luck for what's to come!
Carmen JimĂŠnez
@rubenwolff I'm glad to read your comment Ruben! If you give it a try let me know your feedback :)
Dillon Peterson
Congratulations on the launch!! I wish you the greatest success with your product. Thank you for sharing on Twitter, I'm learning about this PH launch process and the thread is super helpful and insightful for me.
Carmen JimĂŠnez
@dillon_peterson This comment made me so happy! Thank you! That's what I pretended posting this experience on Twitter. To help people and also to help my future self. :)
David J. Kim
Congratulations on the launch! It's gonna be a super busy but super exciting day!