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  • Our Story: Start Small to Build Something Bigger 🚀

    Tsz Hoi Lee
    11 replies
    Hey community! Jupitrr just launched today for the very first time, so I thought I'd take some time to share behind the scenes, the maker story, explain why we started off as a tool instead of a platform, and what our next steps are. At the very beginning of the project, our concept was to build a bite-sized audio platform for insights. Think Twitter but for audio, or Blinkist but for creators, or even Clubhouse but storing summarised conversations 😉. We think it provides a better alternative to podcasts to learn efficiently and an easier way to create content for creators (cause we speak everyday!). However, thinking of the idea is the easy part. Building a social platform from scratch is much harder than we thought. We've to solve the chicken and egg problem - Creators requires audience to migrate to a new platform, while audience requires quality creator's content to listen on your platform. We decided to move back to square one, focus on solving problem for creators first. So instead of asking creators to come on our site and create for our almost-none audience. We provide a easy export feature for existing creators to create audiogram - shareable video to post on social media like instagram. And that's the version we're launching today: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/jupitrr (Come support if you like us!) What's our next step? The launch of today is just the beginning of Jupitrr. In the coming days, we want to build community-focus product for creators that like bite-sized audio and start building up our social platform step by step. Hopefully soon, we will ship another MVP to gather feedback of our listener platform. Exciting times ahead. Got any question or feel excited with our vision? Let me know!


    Alina Ihnatiuk
    Thanks for sharing!
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @antonovna Thanks for coming by and hope this helps!
    Ira GI
    Thank you very much for sharing your personal experience!
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @ira_gi Sharing is learning as well! thanks for supporting!
    Maciej Cupial
    You probably made the right decision! congrats :)
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @maciej_cupial Hopefully we did. We also take serious consideration to launch a web, instead of app for lower barrier. One of the many things learnt along the road.
    Margarita Shvetsova
    Hi Lee, thanks for sharing your story - I love the concept of Jupitrr :) Have just checked it out, great stuff! Wish you good luck with the launch!
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @margarita_s88 Once again, thanks a lot. No matter what, we love our progress and glad we did launch but not giving excuse not to launch!
    Sarah Jordi
    Nice read and I love your approach to making content creator's lives a bit easier. Best of luck with your launch! Fingers crossed 🤞
    Michelle Sanchez
    Starting small allows us to build a solid foundation, where we can gradually implement and test our ideas, reducing risks and ensuring that every step we take contributes to our bigger vision. Over time, these incremental efforts can amass into something much larger and more impactful, illustrating that success often starts with humble beginnings and a well-conceived plan.