One more day and it'll be 100 days streak 🔥

Erkin Bek
68 replies


So persistent, I had a 15 day streak but broke it off and now I'm continuing to start
@erkin_bek yeah,It's actually part of perseverance, meaning you take something seriously and consistently
Wow! Congratulations!
Prem Saini
Zoe Allen
Good job, Erkin!
Hey! that's a great one. I'm aiming to be there
@viona_sequeira Hi Viona, I noticed your product is about to launch, and I'm very interested. Would you be willing to try out the tool I just launched? It's an AI image translation tool.
Kirill Grebenjukov
Congratulation Erkin! Very good results! I’m just started and dream to have something similar!
Alex Rodukov
Congratulations! 🔥
Prem Saini
Awesome! I know the feeling; I've been there. Now back to 4, hahaha! BTW we launched Zixflow today, Happy to get support :)
Andrew Noah
Many Many congratulations
It was very frustrating to lose my strick because of a 2 day move to another country!
Poul merry
Good job keep it up