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  • Now Ai, what do you think is the next trend?

    Cem Özçelik
    46 replies


    Chris Lindner
    Working robot and neural link. And my third vote supports space travel :)
    Žiga Kerec
    I believe this one will not go away that easily. It will be incorporated in the next trend and the one after. If Meta and Apple succeed with glasses, this might be the next thing that we rave about for a couple of months?
    @ziga_kerec I do think VR / AR tech is very cool, but at the 3k price point of apples headset? I'm not sure thats going to be mass market at least for a few years
    Žiga Kerec
    @william_mathews1 True true, but Meta pairing with RayBan is an indicator of something. Other glasses manufacturers wouldn't want to be left behind.
    Tyler Scott
    @ziga_kerec Meta has had RayBan Stories out for several years. They have failed to really capture a market yet. Maybe LLMs will change the appeal but currently multimodal LLMs like GPT4 are too slow at image processing and analytics. I know their own LLM, Llama 2.0, is currently not multimodal yet.
    Semyon Fridman
    @ziga_kerec True. The success of AR glasses could indeed be a game-changer. It'll be interesting to see how they integrate AI functionalities to enhance user experiences.
    Semyon Fridman
    @ziga_kerec @william_mathews1 this Apple release is for developers at the first place. New technologies need a community to shape the best vision of how to use it. Next generations will apply this knowledge and will focus on user's needs and accessibility for a common user.
    George Tsiramua
    Well, I can agree with Žiga. AR looks like it to be the next big thing.
    Anthony William
    I believe the next trend in AI will be a continued focus on AI ethics and responsible AI development, as well as increased integration of AI in various industries, leading to more personalized and efficient solutions.
    Angelo Galang
    AI was already a part of corporate life before the recent boom in its popularity. The trend became, AI being available to consumers and now slowly integrating to SM businesses. I personally do not really follow new trends that much but the new smart glasses seem to be something beneficial and can be a new thing. First as an expensive only those who can afford it product to eventually becoming available to the general public in cheaper options.
    Andrea Jordan
    As of my last update in September 2021, I believe the next significant trend in artificial intelligence will be the continued integration of AI in various industries. AI will not only improve existing applications but also enable entirely new use cases. One specific area of interest is the expansion of AI in healthcare, where it can enhance diagnostics, drug discovery, and personalized medicine.
    Debajit Sarkar
    Could be Quantum Computing. Quantum computers could potentially solve some of the most complex and intractable problems in science, engineering, cryptography, and optimization.
    @dsarkar I feel like quantum computers are never going to be a consumer product like generative AI can be I think they will likely be built into back end infrastructure in a way that doesn't make any real difference to the end user - kinda like blockchain will if it ever goes main stream (outside of the research / academic cases you mentioned)
    Debajit Sarkar
    @william_mathews1 Thank you for sharing your opinion on quantum computing. I respect your perspective. I would like to offer a different point of view. There are efforts to make quantum computers more accessible and affordable for consumers and businesses. For example, some companies are offering cloud-based quantum computing services that allow users to access quantum processors and run quantum algorithms remotely. For instance, let's say a founder wants to launch a quantum computing powered product, he can use the tools and frameworks provided by the cloud service providers to develop and test quantum applications.
    @dsarkar I have seen some of the cloud based quantum computing stuff, I think the area is interesting for sure, we will just have to see how it plays out! What sort of tools do you think founder would build with quantum computers?
    Debajit Sarkar
    @william_mathews1 • Encryption and cybersecurity tools • Data Analytics and Machine Learning tools • Simulation tools • Search and database tools
    @dsarkar I genuinely hope it will be quantum computing and not the VR/AI hellscape speculated over yonder. I agree, walking though Ancient Greece on your way to the supermarket would be amazing but having Amazon ads play out of the corner off your eye? Absolutely not.
    Daniel Volynets
    Think of AI right now like of the first Iphone. It wasn't even able to record a video, but with the new Iphones now you can record films. Even ChatGPT is still a beta and all AI is right now, this trend will take a couple of decades
    Andrii Shekhirev
    Gonna be the annoying one here (it's Monday after all) and whisper that I don't think ML is a "trend" in the way most people use this word these days - just like the Internet was not a trend, it was what the entire digital economy evolved towards. Switching off the obnoxious mode though, if we want to speculate on developments as vast as this one I'd put my money on mixed reality like some other folks here - hinging on the idea of brain-computer interfaces foremost. I don't think AR/VR glasses are going to stick - until we have direct neural implants (or at the very very least contact lenses) it's going to be a niche, is what my crystal ball's saying :)
    Semyon Fridman
    @ashekhirev AI and ML are foundational technologies, much like the Internet. Their impact is long-term and transformative.
    AI is a good solution for many things, but if handled wrong, it can cause more problems, so probably smth related to preventing bad consequences of AI
    Tyler Scott
    Mixed Reality/Virtual Reality followed by quantum computing.
    Jake Harrison
    Multimodel, the GPT-4V is amazing!
    Meta showed some impressive demos on their Metaverse. Let's wait for their final product.
    Sean Ward
    Fintech/banking once CBDC becomes popularized.
    Yavuz Tunc Emran
    emerging tech such as quantum computing holds great potential.
    Shajedul Karim
    hey, AI-human collabs? probably gonna get deeper. metaverse? feels like it's just starting. sustainability? hopefully it's not just a phase. remote work tools? definitely gonna evolve. ethics around AI? gonna be a big chat. just my two cents. stay curious.
    Gayathri A
    Ai next is quantum computing
    Stanley Matthews
    Trends can change rapidly, so it's essential to keep abreast of the most recent developments in your field or area of interest for the most accurate insights.