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  • NoCode or BroCode?

    7 replies
    The other day, I was explaining how NoCode website builder works to a friend and after 5 minutes of explanation; he was like "If it's easy - why can't you do it quickly for me?". I noticed that `no code` still requires you to learn things a bit; and not everyone is willing to invest time and efforts. Made me think - there seems to be a market for assisted no-code; and I'm going to call it 'BroCode' :-D. Where a bro helps you get things done using no-code tools. What say you?


    Sam Kamrani
    My 2cents: It's no-code, it's not no-effort. It means that you can do something less sophisticated but for less effort, meaning less time, meaning shorter release cycles and hopefully meaning winning the competition.
    @m_kamrani Couldn't agree more.
    Maciej Cupial
    If someone is lazy and not accepting any type of learning, no code won't help :)
    @maciej_cupial Well, I think no-code is not for everyone. My friend successfully runs a local business and he was consulting with me to setup a website for him. I showed him that he could do it himself; but learning no-code doesn't make any difference to his business. He'd rather pay someone who knows no code and get stuff done. That's why 'broCode' :-)
    Erin Mikail Staples
    As a not-bro here, and a female no + low coder — I'm personally turned off by the name. As the saying goes — "teach a man to fish..." how could you teach them to embrace the tools otherwise you'll likely also be maintaining their workflows as well. Any tool, no matter how "good" they are requires maintenance and upkeep — something we're all too quick to forget.
    Ioannis Roungeris
    Needs to learn how to use the no-code platform, which is totally easier than building it by code
    Brandon Hull
    Yes this is important for people to understand — I like Mohsen's comment about no code not meaning "no effort". But I think the term "brocode" is pretty off-putting. Probably as much a sign of my age and disdain for "bro culture" as much as the sexist connotation.