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  • No Product Hunt! 🤯 What's Your Plan B? Join the Discussion!

    Arda Sanıl Onay
    7 replies
    Hello community, 👋🏻 As you know, almost everyone in this community used Product Hunt first when launching, just like Contentrain. What if Product Hunt wasn't in this ecosystem? Which platform would you use for what reasons? The first thing that came to my mind was ‘’Hackernews’’, ‘’IndieHackers’’ and ‘’Dev.to’’ for our Headless CMS technology. In my opinion, our developer tool would be appreciated on those sites. Enough about me, What about yours? Let’s meet in the comments! 🤓


    Hey Arda and fellow community members! 👋 I wholeheartedly agree with your thoughts on alternative platforms. If Product Hunt weren't in the picture, my team would likely lean towards a combination of "Hackernews," "IndieHackers," and platforms like "Reddit" in the tech-savvy subreddits. Why these platforms? They cultivate vibrant communities of tech enthusiasts, developers, and entrepreneurs who appreciate innovative products. "Hackernews" is fantastic for in-depth tech discussions and feedback, while "IndieHackers" would be perfect for connecting with other founders and sharing our journey. "Reddit," on the other hand, has an array of subreddits that can cater to specific niches, whether it be coding, startups, or technology trends. Engaging with those passionate communities would be both insightful and rewarding. Your focus on "Dev.to" for Headless CMS technology is spot-on, and it's a reminder to all of us to always look for platforms that align best with our product's core audience. Cheers to exploring new horizons! Let's keep innovating and adapting, no matter the landscape. 🚀
    Arda Sanıl Onay
    @ako61142833 I absolutely agree with your insights on alternative platforms. "Hackernews," "IndieHackers," and "Reddit" are fantastic choices, as they cultivate vibrant communities of tech enthusiasts and developers who appreciate innovation. Engaging with these passionate communities will undoubtedly be insightful and rewarding. Keep up the great work, and here's to exploring new horizons and continued success in your journey! 🚀
    Feyzan A.
    Hi Arda, It's always good to have a Plan B! If Product Hunt wasn't available, there are indeed several other platforms that could be considered for launching and promoting products, as you mentioned. Wishing the best of luck with our product launch, and I hope the community here shares some valuable insights and suggestions too! 🚀👍🏻
    Arda Sanıl Onay
    @etjecode Absolutely, having a Plan B is a great mindset! It's fantastic to see you considering other platforms for your product launch and promotion. And as you said, the best of luck with our launch, and I'm sure the community here will provide valuable insights and suggestions. Keep up with the determination our product's success is within reach! 🚀👍🏻
    Eyüp Poyraz
    I would give a try on uneed.best and similar platforms. Its not like launching your product but listing it with a promotion.
    Arda Sanıl Onay
    @eyup_poyraz1 That sounds like a great idea! Listing your product with a promotion can be a good way to reach a broader audience and gather valuable feedback.