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  • No-coders and low-coders, how do you monetize your skills?

    Alissa Anne Pagano
    1 reply
    Tell me about what you do! Do you describe yourself as a developer? Moonlight in a traditional freelance way? Commissions as side projects? Or do you not provide services at all, and just use the power of no-/low-code to build cool products?


    Michael Flux
    I think you're looking at it from the wrong standpoint. What a client pays for, isn't a piece of code, what they pay for is a solution - Any of these no-code tools, are just that, tools, and you as the solution provider need to select the best tool for the job. Sometimes the best solution is to build something custom, sometimes the client's needs can be satisfied with simple Zapier/IFTTT automations. If a client wants to see how a user flow in an app would feel, you wouldn't build the entire app, go through all the App Store approvals etc just to test it. Instead you would make a quick Bubble.io prototype, if even that is overkill, maybe you just build a clickable prototype in Figma.