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  • Nicholas Day

    Sebastian Britz
    6 replies
    Happy Nicholas Day everyone! When I was a child we had to place our shoes in front of our house in order to get nice candies from Nicholas (in German: Nikolaus). Have some of you had similar experiences or is it a pure German thing?


    Martina Hackbartt
    I think this is a pure German thing! haha. I'm from Argentina and I found out last week that Nikolaus was a thing and that it was different from Santa Claus/Weihnachtsmann. However, here we celebrate the "Three wise men"(in Spanish: Los reyes magos) who come on the 6th of January and leave presents in the children's shoes. Is that a thing anywhere else?
    Sebastian Britz
    @martina_hackbartt Hahaha...but super awesome to know about the different traditions! Revives such good memories
    Dawn Veltri
    I thought this was so fun when I lived in Germany! We do not do this in the United States. We do however do the same things with our shoes for Epiphany (January 6th). Some people don't celebrate Epiphany though, so not everyone does it.
    Martina Hackbartt
    @dawn_veltri1 Wow! I had no idea this celebration in the US was called Epiphany. In Argentina we celebrate it as well (also on the same day); but it's called "the three wise men" or in spanish "los reyes magos". It's great to discover new things about other cultures :)
    Dawn Veltri
    @martina_hackbartt Yes, my friend calls it 3 Kings Day!
    Sebastian Britz
    @dawn_veltri1 Oh nice! Thank you for sharing this.