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  • Need a feedback on how the life calendar is adapted on mobile devices

    Sergey Potikhanov
    6 replies
    Hi people, just did the mobile view for the life calendar of Product Hunt's launches. Need a feedback on this. What do you think? Link is here: https://productcell.vercel.app/ Other feedback is also appreciated.


    Great job @new_user__29920227ddde191323f50db, how long did it take you to make the calendar? Just out of curiosity :)
    Sergey Potikhanov
    @jaka_koprivec Thank you for your kind words and suggestions :) I'm in the process of rewriting Story Cell. A few things need to be done to make it more scalable and usable. I will take your wishes into account when I update it! Going to launch Product Cell in a few days though. Maybe I'll also expand it to use other API's :) What do you think about "The best tweet of the day"? Or github repo maybe, who knows
    Sergey Potikhanov
    @jaka_koprivec 90% of it is just a 6-8 hours of work, so a day. Then I just add something new whenever I have free minutes. It's a small one, you can check Storycell in my launches, it's a bit bigger and customizable :) Do you have any features you'd like to see in ProductCell?)
    @sergeypotikhanov Just had a look, I must say I love the examples. They make it very clear how someone can use it, maybe putting an example of a calendar (like the one of Pavel) will help people understand it faster if it was on the homepage :) Otherwise love it.
    Olive Haus
    Punch Time Tracker
    This is really neat. Also a great resource to study successful PH launches. I really like it. Are you leaving it up? Can I tinker with it for a while? I don’t really have any criticism. It’s smooth, simple, and intuitive.
    Sergey Potikhanov
    @olive_haus Hi! Thank you for the feedback, I want to add a bit more functionality before launching it, it's always accessible by the link though. I'm thinking of adding filter search, so you can for example find the most upvoted products in "Free" or "AI" category by each day. If you have some more ideas, feel free to tell me :)