Hunter Bohm

My Life is completely different thanks to Notion

5 years is a long time and a lot can happen. 2019: No direction in life, high school senior working 40 hours/week. 2023: 2 newsletters, a digital product store, and a loving audience on Twitter. I spilled all the details 🧵 2019: Senior in highschool. Had no idea what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go in life. I was told by most around me that I should be an engineer because those guys *make money* I worked full-time (like 30+ hours a week) and I knew that trading my time for money was just not something I wanted to do. Little did I know what I would come to find out in college. 2020: a year later, and I am a freshman in College. At this point, parties are practically my middle name. I could hardly tell what I wanted to do, but stocks interested me. I started waking up every morning for the market, and that's when I realized I love money. Not the material but the way the institution works. More importantly, how the game is played. 2021: I got my first house. Well not technically my house but a house to live in nonetheless I am fully learning at this point how to be a full-time adult, and it is hard. Stocks still interest me but I really want to start my own business. I worked at amazon in the warehouse and listened to around 40+ hours of podcasts per week. I felt like I was ready but still, had no idea what I was going to do. 2022: I started my first newsletter on April 29. It is still going to this day and I publish weekly on it ( It’s about the stock market and the economy, but still I knew that I wanted to do something else. I wanted to build an audience but didn’t know where to start. Until I found @thejustinwelsh and @heyeaslo and my brain started firing on all cylinders. I loved Notion because I used @tomfrankly ultimate brain template, and I wanted to build my own. That’s where I doubled down on learning how to write, build on notion, and devolp a personal brand. 2023: Who knows where life will take me. I am fully committed to being digitally nomadic no matter how long it takes me. I finally picked up some momentum on Twitter, and my second newsletter as grown to almost 50 subs organically. I’ve sold 750+ templates on gumroad and am only more excited for what’s to come in the new year. I just wanted to write this because I never thought I would be where I am today. And that you can do it too, it just as simple as starting. And getting through the part where no one listens. Whatever you do, just do it for yourself.

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Shon Paunan
Thanks for this!
Jordy van bennekom
Hunter! This is inspiring! Just took the course on how to sell notion templates by Easlo myself - and now starting my personal Journey. That’s why, (warning!) I’m now going to ask you for a small favor: Currently building an Online Course in a Notion Template about: “The Digital Discipline Formula: How to Create Freedom from Online Distractions and Use the Internet for Personal Growth” I’m giving it away for free in June 2023 to a potential target audience - when the beta version is ready for testing and feedback. If that sounds mildly interesting - would you be willing to take a short 5 sec peek at the landing page where you can sign up for the access list: ( I’m happy to return the favor in any way :) If you don't have time - no worries. Keep doing what you're doing!