My girlfriend's angry because we have to postpone our launch!

Anshul Raghav
15 replies
I initially mentioned to her that we'd launch on Feb 1 and I wouldn't be available, but an unexpected issue arose, forcing us to reschedule with a week's delay. Now she thinks I made it all up and I'm with someone else. Entrepreneurship is not easy, I guess! Any tip would be highly appreciated.


I’m sorry Anshul. Sit her down and tell her you will answer all the questions she has. Don’t get defensive, don’t get angry. Just listen and calmly answer.
Anshul Raghav
@slimmy82 you also didn't get it 😄. Either our startups have made all of us too serious or I'm very bad at making jokes.
@anshul_raghav or my sarcasm understanding sucks bad lol
Jamie L
Transparency is key, Anshul—show her the details of the setback to reassure her it's all about the launch. Balancing relationships and entrepreneurship is tough, but clear communication can really help bridge the gap.
Navigating startup delays is tough, Anshul—transparency and sharing the process can often help ease personal tensions. Maybe involve her in a small part of the project, so she sees where your time's going?
Anshul Raghav
@xyz_333 thank you for the advice.
Prafull Kumar Pandey
@anshul_raghav So much Positivity in the discussion proves that PH community support is available for any Problem either related to Launch or Lifestyle 😀😀
Roland Marlow
Wait, hold up... You say "we have to postpone our launch", we as in you and your gf? If that is the case, how does she not know enough to know why things are happening and jumps to you being with someone else. If we does not mean you and your gf launching this, why is she jumping to you being with someone else? Either way, either sit down and make things clear or break up with her. No, entrepreneurship is not easy and if you partner isn't supportive/doesn't trust you, something will blow up down the road.
Anshul Raghav
@rmarlow thank you for the advice. :)
Russ Halilov
buy flowers. usually this work for me :D
Jesse T. Glover
You say "we have to postpone our launch", we as in you and your gf? If that is the case, how does she not know enough to know why things are happening and jumps to you being with someone else. If we does not mean you and your gf launching this, why is she jumping to you being with someone else?
hashir shabbir
Don't worry dude. Offer a candle light dinner date at national girlfriend day 2024. she will be yours for the rest of your life.