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  • Must-see movies for product managers: your recommendations?

    Diana Ivanenko
    9 replies
    Recently I have watched a couple of movies the main characters of which are the perfect product managers in my eyes 😍 they are Moneyball (2011) and The Founder (2016). The cool thing is that these movies are based on real-life events and they got me really inspired with their message to get a new angle on your challenge/product. As if these movies are telling us: "The problem is not in the product itself, it's your tunnel vision." What about you guys? Any recommendations for a good product manager-fit movie? πŸ€“


    Tracy Williams
    It's good movies, I watched them too. I can also recommend Office Space and The Social Network. I think you'll find them interesting. Recently I found Kodi for Firestick here https://www.firesticktricks.com/... and now I can watch any movie I want in excellent quality and without ads. This app is something!
    Hey Diana, thanks for suggesting these movies. Tuned to watch "The Founder"
    Livia Hooson
    Hey thanks for the movies names.
    I do like the angle you look at the issue! However, it's not so easy to come up with a movie that would perfectly suit the subject... The only movie came to my head was You've Got Mail (1998); the main characters run their own bookstores of different scale, and their approaches differ drastically.
    Shaimaa Salama
    Interesting! Thanks for the recommendations