MS launches Loop, what do Notion makers and users think?

6 replies


Giannis Kiokpas
competition intensifies!
@ikiok And it's going to get better and better for users as it goes along. Can't wait!
Similar to Notion! but it looks like...a mix of slack and notion. and it has more benefits if it's flexible using a table.
@joy_eom Oh! You've already tried it! Have you come to prefer Loop?
Haven't tried it yet but certainly excited to do so :) I do love Notion so I would like to see hot it compares to it.
@sandradjajic I feel like they're still very much alike, and I think they're going to start adding features that characterize each other more and more, maybe. By the way, being able to put blocks inside cells in a table was the first difference I noticed.