Moonly weekly progress update #69 - Karamendos WL Flow is in production

Stefan Smiljkovic
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Karamendos Wl Flow is finally in production. Now we can start doing collaborations with other projects and slowly start building a name and popularity. The first collaboration will be the first small test for our WL flow to see if there are any bugs, or hiccups that need to be fixed. Join the party: We are very excited to see the growth of the entire community! General updates: - Added endpoint to API to receive new credentials for Twitter - Investigated failure of social scraper - Reanimated Alpha Twitter scraper - Finished database dumper for devs - Checked scrapers and restarted wallet-checker-worker - Reloaded wallet-checker - Implemented ExchangeArt candyMachineAddress extractor - Fixed Raffle program endpoints Karamendos WL Flow: - Preparing KDOS WL video processor for production scale - Fixed KDOS WL to run in production, completed application - Twitter API backup method/refactoring - Debugged and restored connectivity of KDOS WL and Moonly Discord bot - Improved KDOS collab admin UI - Added interactive message template for sending to other Discords - Deployed KDOS WL on production/ Twitter-space Giveaway - Fixed a couple of issues in API service and backend for Twitter space giveaway deployment - Tested giveaway manually a couple of times for every edge case - Made the giveaway ready for deployment to production after fixing all the issues HVB multi-chain support: - Produce a proposal to improve our proxy service - Included auto add to project inside Moonly project workflow - Removed unused projects from the list - Created a milestone on HVB multi-chain support for better tracking - Included expanded transition and improved some UI issues Staking V2: - Created Initial UI for the mission page - Created Initial UI for the missions page and integrated it with metadata - Fixed responsive issue in staking v2 page - Fallback for reward calculator when a slot is pending - Popover to show extra NFTs and remove a repeated image - Sync available slot and Mission staked data - Added Filter section UI on the missions page - Rules tab: new UI created - Rewards tab UI created - Staking V2 Admin UI fixes - Added frontend integration for safeguard rule changes - Fixed image uploading issue and updating issue with the mission - Independent mission seed generation, seed generation won’t depend on the DB Upcoming NFT collections: Minted projects worth mentioning: Now when we are releasing our WL Flow people are eager to know WHEN WL: Also, let’s do some YOLO guys:
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