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  • Marketing your product is easier when done with peers

    Matthias Bohlen
    9 replies
    As a software engineer, marketing hasn't been my strong-suit, to say the least. In the last few years, I worked on methods how to make marketing easier for a solopreneur like me. But: It turns out that methods and tools alone do not guarantee that people will be successful in their marketing. It's like publishing the recipe and everyone brings their own ingredients. With some ingredients, the recipe works. With others, it doesn't. Therefore, I founded GotoMarketGuild.club(https://GotoMarketGuild.club), a wonderful place where entrepreneurs can collaborate and help each other take their product to market. We simply do these things together: • Find out who our customers are and what they need (a.k.a. customer research) • Make our products shine (a.k.a. positioning) • Convince Buyers (a.k.a. messaging) • Gain traction (a.k.a. channel discovery and development) I provide methods, frameworks, templates, how-tos, etc., and my two products https://2Quiet2Market.com and https://CustomerPing.ai are already included in the $30 monthly fee for the club. People can use them for customer research, proper positioning, experiment success tracking, and social sales, right away! In GotoMarketGuild, conversations happen in different channels where we discuss strategies and tactics that work or don't work well. Connection happens between people when they discover they have something in common, or they can solve problems together that they wouldn't be able to solve alone (this is important for indie hackers and other solopreneurs). People can see how I do my marketing for CustomerPing in the club as well. I share my results for positioning, messaging, and traction with the other members so you can see how things can be done. Three people signed up and paid immediately! Let's see whether at least 10 people join so the club can take off. If you're interested as well, visit my pre-launch landing page at https://GotoMarketGuild.club (made with Carrd).


    Gulshan Negi
    Thanks a lot for an amazing piece of information here. Well, in my opinion, good marketing also depends on sales strategies which can help a lots in the field of marketing. I have seen this post https://zaplify.com/category/sal... where author discuss about common sales strategies that can help in this field. Thanks again
    it's a great idea for tech founders :) .. i propose to make a 2weeks trial at least .. people like to try and pay if they like it
    Jabari Zuri
    Collaborating with peers for marketing brings diverse perspectives, wider reach, shared resources, and mutual support, making the process more effective, authentic, and engaging.
    Matthias Bohlen
    @jabari_zuri Exactly. We all have some blind spots where we miss opportunities that other people can easily see. We're social animals, so let's use it to our advantage as entrepreneurs.
    George Aleesu
    Great piece👌
    Matthias Bohlen
    @rhexai Thanks for the encouraging feedback, George! In the meantime, people come and buy a membership, so it seems we have something of value to offer.
    Daria Sokolovskaya
    Sounds amazing! I really want to test it!
    Matthias Bohlen
    @daria_sokolovskaya Great, Daria! In the meantime, several people joined. Just surf to https://gotomarketguild.club/ and join us as well. Every new member can help others and get help from them as well. Enjoy!