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  • Marketing strategies

    Gordana Laskovic
    7 replies
    What marketing strategies do you consider outdated❔🤔 Share your thoughts in the comments below.💭


    Gordana Laskovic
    I agree with you @alex_vidon_ai If it is one way, it can not be called “communication”. It is either an announcement or notice or order. Communication is always two ways. Unfortunately, many are not aware of this fact and this is one of the reasons why their businesses fail.
    Ivan Ralic
    Well I think that most of core marketing strategies never change. I come from Dan Ariely and Dan Kennedy's schools of thought that are as old as a Bible and still pretty relevant 😅 But if I could choose the most outdated thing people still do is focus on quantity instead of quality. There's too much noise today, producing more of it won't make you relevant 😄
    Gordana Laskovic
    @ralic I like your theory because it makes sense. We can find so many examples from the past which confirm ‘the quality theory’. 💡 After all, don’t forget that quality is the best business plan. 😃
    @ralic it depends on the product and the feedback that you want. If you get a bunch of users in who don't give you feedback, there is nothing you have learned from it and it might harm your NPS.
    Ivan Ralic
    @jdsemrau For sure, I agree 100% 😄 I was more talking about the hyper production of content. There was a point in time when that worked, but now all algorithms are optimized for the quality and not quantity. It started with YouTube, now Google and the LinkedIn is probably next 😄 When it comes to funneling users in, the biggest problem I see is as you already mentioned the optimization for traffic and not the results.
    Launching soon!
    I would say Blogging without Promotion.
    Alex Robinson
    There are a lot of marketing strategies that have become outdated in recent years e.g. * One-way communication – In the past, marketing was all about one-way communication, where businesses would send out messages and hope that they would be received by the target audience. However, with the rise of social media, customers now have the ability to communicate directly with businesses. This two-way communication is much more effective in building relationships with customers. * Interruption marketing – i.e. any type of marketing that interrupts the consumer, such as pop-up ads or pre-roll ads. Most people have become accustomed to ignoring it.