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  • Managing Stress: 7 Tips for Maintaining Your Mental Health

    Mohamed Zakarya
    20 replies
    - Identify triggers: -- Be aware of what causes stress for you, and try to avoid or minimize those triggers. - Practice self-care: -- Take care of yourself physically by getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising regularly. Also, take time for yourself to do things you enjoy. - Connect with others: -- Spend time with friends and family, and build a support network. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. - Manage time effectively: -- Plan and prioritize your time to reduce feelings of overwhelm and stress. Break larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. - Practice relaxation techniques: -- Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help you relax and reduce stress. - Set boundaries: -- Know your limits and learn to say "no" when you need to. This will help you avoid taking on too much and feeling overwhelmed. - Seek professional help: -- If you are feeling overwhelmed or struggling with stress, seek professional help from a counselor or therapist.


    Madeleine Nichols
    thanks for sharing Mo! Something I have found really helpful for me with Identifying Triggers has been regularly journalling. Every month or so I can reflect on the contents and get a better handle on what has affected my stress levels and modd How did you start to identify and build awareness of your triggers?
    Mohamed Zakarya
    @madeleine_nichols It all started with self-awareness. I had the curiosity to understand why I felt in a certain way. So each time I felt something I trace back to its root cause. This helped me identifying a lot of triggers and behaviours that I didn't know they did exist in me
    Agree with all your points.
    Marceric a
    Thank you for sharing ! Strangely, I am a "never" stressful person. I obviously stressed for my exams or my wedding, but nothing very obvious. I call it good stress. Your sharing is very interesting because everything you say is true. Finally, what I want to say, I have been using for quite a while a few tools that you indicate and I think it helps enormously to not be stressed. Plan your time relax (friends, yoga, meditation,..) Know your stressors Set limits etc Are the basis of anti-stress Thanks again for sharing this
    Mohamed Zakarya
    @marceric_a Stress is normal. Knowing how to manage it to not negatively affect you is crucial for maintaining your mental health.
    Mr Nelson
    Self care is really very important.
    Sidra Arif
    Useful suggestions.
    Maria Yermolenko
    I wish all the points were possible at the same time:)
    Mohamed Zakarya
    @maria_yermolenko You can take it step by step. Practice one point at a time and soon you'd find yourself practicing all of them at the same time. It might be tough in the beginning, but with discipline you'll be able to achieve that. ;)
    Amanda Trincher
    Good advice. In fact, I try to develop mental resilience to better cope with stressful situations in life. I read a great post about this at https://whatistruth.life/what-is... and simple tips on how to develop this skill
    Mohamed Zakarya
    @amandatrincher what an information post! I like how it explains in details mental toughness and how we can develop it
    Sherry Xena
    thanks,that’s very good
    Olga Neudakh
    I can add the most important rule - sleep well and enough. When we sleep our nervous system reboots and rests. You must sleep at least 4 sleep cycles, better 5 or 6. There are three phases in every sleep cycle: fast, medium and deep. Waking up is best and easiest in the fast phase, when sleeping is superficial.
    Mohamed Zakarya
    @olga_neudakh totally agree! How can we ensure that we are having quality sleep?
    Olga Neudakh
    @mohamed_zakarya Do simple steps. You can finish using phone, computer, TV before 30 min when you will go sleep. Don't use it in a bed, because brain doesn't set up for sleep. If you can't do it, read boring books, it helps catch you right mood for sleeping
    Nick Bess
    Great info, thanks! I guess everyone has stressful days now and then, and it is essential to know how to manage this condition in order not to face health issues. I know what it is like to take antidepressants (you can check the info about them on the Canadian Pharmacy site), so my advice is to try natural ways first. Get enough rest and sleep, change the environment (traveling works great for me), spend time with family and friends, and do things that help you relax (I like cycling and listening to good music). And of course, visit a doctor if you can't cope with this condition by yourself.