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  • Makers, what’s the STORY behind your product?

    Edward Cederlund
    9 replies
    Hey everyone! Looking for some Monday inspiration. I’m a big believer in Founder-Product-Market fit when it comes to building successful projects. Tell me your story, and what inspired you to build your product. Thanks for answering 🙌


    John Kennelly
    Hi Edward, my cofounder and I came together in a very serendipitous way with the goal of solving a problem we had both experienced from differing perspectives! We wrote the full story up on our blog, feel free to check it out: https://getmagistrate.com/blog/w...
    John Kennelly
    @cederlund haha my pleasure Edward! A few bumps and bruises but it's been worth it in the end :)
    Edward Cederlund
    @magistratejohn haha hope nobody got hurt in the collision! thanks for sharing John
    Hi Edward, I also believe that success comes from some story that motivated to create a product and share it with others to make their life, work, etc easier or happier 🤩 We're working on the design tool https://www.thesprkl.io/ and created a post on Medium about our story, maybe it will be interesting to you 🤗 here it is https://medium.com/@eugenepolyan... And what's the story behind MicroMove? 😊
    Edward Cederlund
    @eugenepolyansky @eugenepolyan @oxana_ivanova smooth transition from EGO to Sprkl. thanks for sharing Oxana. i'm actually writing a blog post about the story of micromove as we speak. i'll probably post it next week when we go out with our product to more users. i'll post it here for you to read :)
    @cederlund would like to read it! :)
    Finn Guha
    Since I started learning to code, I knew that there was something missing. Although there were great tutorials online, I still couldn´t figure out how to actually remember anything of what I learnt. So I basically started taking notes and making flashcards out of them. Then, a few months later, I had the idea that other people might benefit from this too. So I spend a few months making these notes and flashcards really good and then sold them for an affordable price hoping that people will find them useful. And I think this worked reasonably well ( ~ 200 customers at the moment ). So this is the story behind https://www.codingnotes.io/ . Hope you found it interesting.
    Edward Cederlund
    @vimfinn super nice Finn. 200 customers! you've got some good testimonials too. keep going, the sky's the limit
    Brian Hearn
    It's the YouTube algorithm's fault. It fed me a video on music theory. Non-musical me watched and thought "I can code that". So I did. 2 years later and I've released (soft launched) an app... and got addicted to learning the Piano along the way.