Makers, what have you learned from first launch on Product Hunt?

Vlad Goncharov
19 replies
Our team thinking about launch on product hunt. What you lessons you can share that you wish to know before launch?


Gurkaran Singh
Launching on Product Hunt taught me that preparation is key - from crafting a compelling story to engaging with early adopters, it's like coding: debugging on the go but with more emojis and upvotes involved!
Business Marketing with Nika
Build community inside, create strong connections with key players :D
Juhwan Lee
I realized building community is important. We created IAM Studio, in-app messaging solution It's hard to get to the company
Salar Davari
Did the first launch around 7 months ago and learned quite q few things. 1-create a big community around your product 2- make sure you choose the right time. This includes the months, week, and day. 3- Create a nice interesting demo of your product. ( many prefer watching clips to reading texts. I see lots of people missing this. 4- On the launch day, call for support from your community as well as your team members. 5- Don't get disappointed if your product doesn't rank high.
After choosing the launch date, you still need to set up the banner. I overlooked this detail...
Marc Andre
Individual, one-on-one connections matter.
I have learned a ton from my first launch but my favourite one was "Validating solution is as important as validating the problem".
Trader BinQosim
Connections on product hunt is key
Pablo Roig
You should take your time to build your community
Charlie Grayson
Firstly create a big community, Ask for support on Linkedin, Feedback for product, and on launch day ask your community to support.
Artem Bukharin
Have not launched a product yet, but hope it will be done soon!