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  • Mac, Windows or Linux?

    Jose Rodríguez
    57 replies


    Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
    team windows here - it's hard to get out of the monopoly :)
    Linux because Linux :) And Mac for some very useful features and simplicity.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Mac team although my starting point was Windows :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @stan8086 The process of navigation is so smooth – when I jumped to Mac, I had a feeling that whole my activity was faster.
    Hossein Yazdi
    Happily Windows! :)
    Jose Rodríguez
    @hosseinyazdi good. but why not mac or linux distros?
    Domas Sakavickas
    @stan8086 because of simplicity. I was using Windows before that, then changed to Mac and now there is no way back :D
    Lili Péntek
    I started with Windows, but recently I had to switch. If we discount the first week when I had to get used to the new system, I'm team Mac :)
    Sergei Vorniches
    Why not all :) I personally have been using Windows and Mac in parallel for the last 10 years, and it's a great experience to avoid getting stuck with just one platform.
    Khaled Talhad
    windows better user
    Ryan Zhang
    Choosing between Mac, Windows, or Linux truly depends on your personal needs and preferences. Each offers unique advantages, with Mac excelling in design, Windows in versatility, and Linux in customization and open-source freedom.
    Anna Jack
    Team Window
    Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
    GNU/Linux since August 13, 2001, and I've never changed since. I had a brief period imposed with a Mac on a previous job, but I was forced and at home, I used my GNU/Linux :)