Lost my 70 Days Streak💔😢

22 replies
As I Lost Network In My Area and it Made Me to Lose My 70 Days Streak....Feeling So Bad of Myself😔💔


Anastasia Liamets
It's sad, but the community is always there for you
this is so sad
Udayraj Parmar
don't worry i lost my 314 days streak two month ago. and didn't even my fault.
George Aleesu
All is well man!
Kevin Brendel
It is very painful indeed.. but after the streak is before the streak!
Brenda Lewis
it's out of your control. don't be too hard on yourself.
Viola Schoell
This is very sad, but you are not alone, the community is there for you.
Vincent Greco
Very frustrating. I feel your pain.
Maria Anosova 🔥
don't worry, now you have an opportunity to have your 70days streak one more time!)