Looking for a free Google Analytics alternative for my side projects

7 replies
Hi guys πŸ‘‹ I'm looking for a free Google Analytics alternative for my side projects. I would like to stop using GA because of its complexity. I've found: - Open Web Analytics -> But I need to install it on my webserver, I'd like to have it as a third-party service. - counter.dev -> Something that I need but it has a lack of accuracy and very tiny functionality. What do you use instead of GA? Free alternatives. Thanks in advance πŸ™


Fabian Maume
GA4 is a bit easier to use than the old google analytics. You might want to check out Smartlook Qualitative Analytics too.
Just give your mom a call and have her keep track of your site visitors. She's probably been waiting for an excuse to finally put that math degree to useπŸ˜‚ In all seriousness though, have you tried Matomo or Clicky?
Pomotastic - Pomodoro Timer Online
Pomotastic - Pomodoro Timer Online
@realvladgolub I'd like to use analytics as a separate service :) AM I right that using your own server can potentially slow down speed? Also, do you use one server for several domains?
Try Usermaven. It's simple, provides real-time accurate stats, and offers a free plan.