LinkedIn Product Hunt Community

Dávid Sipos
28 replies
Hey guys! LinkedIn has a great Product Hunt community with more than 200 users. If you are planning to launch a new product or looking for feedback feel free to join us:


Olatz Urrutia
Thanks for sharing! Sounds interesting, so I requested to join :)
Mike Kennedy
Thanks for sharing!
Oliver Rani
Thanks! requested to join
Richard Gao
Thanks for sharing! Already joined it
Thanks! requested to join
Kulsoom Awan
Thanks for sharing!
Kostandin Angjellari
Requested to join, Thanks for sharing David!
Tim Asklöf
Thanks for sharing.
RAkshiT ShaH
Should We share the pH product launch page over there ?
Sol Pellegrino
Love this! Thanks for sharing :)
Launching soon!
Great initiative! Looking forward to helping each other.
Elena Ivanovska
Thanks! As a newbie here, this means a lot.