LinkedIn or X for marketing?

Waqas Khan
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Hello Product Hunt community, I am currently immersed in my SAAS business and am keen to gather insights from fellow entrepreneurs regarding the most effective marketing platforms. Specifically, I am torn between LinkedIn, Facebook, and a X platform. We've successfully implemented a LinkedIn outreach strategy, but considering that many of our competitors are also leveraging LinkedIn features, I'm curious to explore alternative avenues. Unfortunately, as of now, our outreach on "X" and Facebook remains uncharted territory. My primary concern is to create a platform that offers robust outreach capabilities and facilitates relationship building through automation. The ability to expand connections seamlessly and nurture those relationships before diving into sales efforts is crucial for our strategy. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or experiences you could share regarding the efficacy of LinkedIn, Facebook, or X for marketing . Your insights will undoubtedly contribute to our decision.
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