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  • LinkedIn DM vscold email outreach

    Ayda Ecem Çele
    4 replies
    What are you using for outreach? LİnkedIn DMs seem more useful but since it is a numbers game, email might be easier.What do you think?


    Peyt Spencer Dewar
    Depends on who you’re targeting. I’ve seen posts recommending Twitter as well
    Yavuz Tunc Emran
    Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
    Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
    Depends on the market you are working on the answer might vary. I run a startup that has built a product to help users build sales funnels on LinkedIn. Our users saw that LinkedIn is minimum 250% more effective than any other channel out there. Only filter there is that, not all users are on LinkedIn. So use LinkedIn whenever you can is what I would recommend.
    Fabian Maume
    Email is easier to scale but from my experience, LinkedIn outreach tends to have a better conversion rate. Also having people in your network allows you to easily follow up with them using content: https://medium.com/@fabian-maume...
    Deniz Sutaş
    LinkedIn outreach is a highly targeted and personalized approach. At the same time it exposes you to a way more limited amount of people considering the limitations imposed by LinkedIn, and also the lead nurturing process takes longer as you chat with all the contacts you manage to reach. So, best to follow this for higher-value deals (e.g. strategic partnerships, B2B sales) that are worth the time. Using our system, on average we observe a 50% invite acceptance rate and 4% meeting conversion, keep these numbers in mind. About cold emailing, it is convenient, low-cost, and you could access more people. Not to mention it is a 'lot' less personalized and often randomized, so average response rates stay around 0.5-2.5%. Better for B2C products as well as lower-value deals. Make sure to do your research on cold email best practices, and dedicate an entire email extension to your campaigns (assume your email reputation will be destroyed). I would be happy to chat more and share about my experience, hit me up on LinkedIn if you like!