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AI is transforming industries at an unprecedented rate, making tasks more efficient and opening up new possibilities. What's one AI-driven change in your industry that you believe everyone should be excited about?


Oliver James Hawthorne
Yeah, AI transcription has been a game changer for my market research interviews. Saves so much time vs. manually transcribing, and the accuracy is pretty solid now with the latest models. I've been using Otter.ai and love how it syncs the audio with the text for easy review and searching for key insights. Definitely recommend checking it out if you do a lot of interviews!
David Carter
Absolutely, AI transcription has been a lifesaver for my user research interviews and meeting notes. Otter.ai is great, I also really like Fireflies.ai for its Zoom integration and ability to assign speaker labels. The time savings and searchability are game changers. Highly recommend trying a few to see what works best for your workflow!
Felix Sattler
As I was for years in the Recruitment industry, I'm really hyped about image classification models. For the past decade it was always a hustle to parse CV information, but with the current technology, that problem should be gone within the next months. Looking forward to finally see platforms that parse information from a CV directly into the profile, so candidates do not need to upload the CV and then still paste the information manually.
Tanya Desai
As a marketer, I think that AI-transcribed interviews are making the research process so much more efficient. This way, I can get results faster than ever—and know exactly what I'm looking for.