Learnings from PH launch of typo #1 Product of the day | #1 Product of the week

Saloni Jain
25 replies
And #2 Product of the month! We are so grateful for all the love & wanted to share our learnings in this blog. https://typoapp.io/blog/uncatego... Do let us know what do you think in comments. Also I am very happy to personally help you with your launch :)


Varun Varma
Hello PH community, please feel free to reach out to @saloni_jain10 for any guidance on the PH launch. We have added our entire strategies in the blog & a google sheet is also linked inside for your perusal. Feel free to use it. Thanks :)
Pleasure Meditation
Congratulations on your successes! The Launch Guide is such a great "game plan". I Love it. :-)
Saloni Jain
@pleasure_meditation Thank you for your kind words :)
Aksh Porwal
Thanks for sharing. Will follow these tips for next launch.
Saloni Jain
@aksh_porwal Do let me know if I can help in anyway :)
Anushka Modi
This is very well explained and a solid guide!
Vishal Verma
Congrats on being #1 & thanks for sharing the steps!
Vasileios Karvelis
Hey there Saloni, Thank you so much for sharing this incredibly informative, article! Also, thank you so much for your proposal to help, I know a significant number of people here who got tons of support, but they don't care to turn back the favor. Wishing you the very best in your future endeavors!
Saloni Jain
@vasileioskarvelis Always there for the community :)
Willie Tsang
This is awesome. Will definitely learn from your tips for our launch. 🙏
Kovid Batra
Really helpful. Appreciate your effort for sharing this with the community.