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  • Learning from failure, by failing fast

    Liam Oram
    0 replies
    Learning is difficult, and always trying to get things right from the get go will sometimes slow your progress rather than speed it up, why? Because you learn how to get it right once, but not how to adapt when it goes wrong. I learnt this the hard way about 5 years ago and haven't looked back since, now I dive into situations that are way above me and work it out as I go. Joining Product Hunt is one of those moments, I don't really know what I'm doing, currently it feels a bit like reddit with a focus on start ups, however I'm learning from it and slowly building up a network. So why this post? It's simple, I'm launching a product friday, it's not even a complete product but a waiting list for one as we need to gain more interest for our investors to release the next round of funds. And this is all within the same week I've joined so I have NO idea how successful the launch will be, if anything I expect it to fail spectacularly, but I am hoping to atleast learn from this failure, and to do that I would appreciate everyones support in providing feedback for the launch, the feedback is more valuable to me right now than reaching number 1. So if you think about it I'm not really failing, I'm just targeting a different metric of success, learning from a failure leads to success. You can find my launch here: https://www.producthunt.com/products/data-point-zero
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