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  • Leadership in web3 startups

    Tim Dierckxsens
    2 replies
    Hey everyone, Just wanted to drop a quick chat about leadership in the ever-evolving world of web3 startups. 1. Transparency: Make sure your team knows what's going on. Building trust is vital. We had some difficult decisions to make, we tried our very best to communicate to all. Not just the good things but especially our shortfalls. 2. Stay Agile: Things change fast. Adapt and move quickly. 3. Promote learning: The tech's always changing. Make sure your team keeps up. Web3 is bonkers - I mean who can keep up? 4. Give credit: Recognize hard work. It fuels motivation. Our team had done amazing work in building our voice in the PH community! 5. Think long-term: Startups are marathons. Short-term wins are cool, but focus on the bigger picture. Like here one product hunt we hope for a great result but in the grand scheme of things it is one tactic in the overall strategy. 6. Well-being is key: Avoid burnout. Healthy teams are the best teams. We had a few people burning out and it’s a mindset difference. There is more to the world where you just don’t need to carry the weight of the world for missing a milestone. What's worked for you? What hasn't? Let's get this discussion going. Cheers to shaping the web3 world, one step at a time. 🚀


    Sophia De Meyer
    Hi Tim I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your recent discussion on leadership in the world of web3 startups. Your insights and emphasis on certain key points truly resonated with me as an HR professional. Firstly, transparency & communication stand out as a vital element in building trust within the team. I fully support the notion of ensuring open communication and sharing both our successes and challenges. This approach fosters an environment where trust can thrive. Also, agility cannot be overstated. We’ve got a rapidly changing landscape, adaptability and quick decision-making are essential. As the HR Manager, I feel promoting a culture of agility, encouraging open-mindedness, and embracing change is crucial. And I wholeheartedly agree that recognizing hard work and giving credit where it is due is so important! Our team has shown exceptional dedication and has made significant contributions to building our company. I feel ensuring that efforts are acknowledged and celebrated is necessary as well as fueling motivation and fostering a positive work environment. Thanks for bringing these essential topics to the forefront. Together, we will shape the web3 world, one step at a time.
    Alexandra Dinh
    Great insights! I completely agree with the importance of transparency. When everyone understands the startup's direction and feels involved in its growth, their motivation increases significantly. Additionally, we should focus on fostering a collective drive towards a common goal. This means instilling a sense of ownership and encouraging employees to treat the company's resources and budget as if they were their own. By doing so, we can promote a culture of responsibility during the planning and execution stages. Moreover, it's crucial to establish synchronization among all departments within the startup. This synchronization ensures that everyone is aware of each other's activities, enabling the exchange of insights, input, and support. This collaboration should not be limited to leaders but should extend to all employees. In a startup, it's important to avoid the mindset of individual responsibilities; instead, we should embrace the idea that we are all responsible for the success of the company and offer help whenever possible. What are your thoughts on these points? How do you believe we can best achieve synchronization among all team members?