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  • Launching your products soon? Share in the comments 🚀

    Rucha Joshi
    50 replies
    I would love to know what you're working on and if you are gearing upto launch your projects. Perhaps we could help each other with feedback.


    Jenny Romano
    Love this. As you know Rucha, we've launched our first product already but we're developing a second one - date TBD. I think it's a brilliant idea to help each other with feedback! On that note, although we launched a few weeks ago already, I'd appreciate the community's feedback on our Beta, working to fight online misinformation: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Jenny Romano
    @rucha_joshi8 Thank you so much. The (incredibly helpful) feedback you shared with us is turning into action already. Big fan of your work too!!
    Rucha Joshi
    @jenny_romano Oh wow! would love to see what you and Pedro do next. Big fan of what they are doing with Newsroom. Please do check this really important work out and share feedback for them 🙌
    Hi Rucha, We are working on launching our product in a week. Stay tuned for more updates! :) Would definitely appreciate the support from the community and hear what feedback they have.
    Rucha Joshi
    @nick_mapup What is the product about?
    @rucha_joshi8 The product is really unique and useful for all businesses and commuters! Its about resetting the basic premise of routing. Let's say you use Google maps or apple maps, all they tell you is the fastest or the slowest route to your destination. Why so? Because mapping services and routing softwares optimize only for one vector - Time. Our platform is the only platform which is optimized for both Time and Cost. Hence, you will see the FASTEST, the CHEAPEST and other route options to yur destinations. With time, it will tellyou much would it ost you in fuel expenses and how much in tolls. What sets us apart is the comprehensive and accurate coverage of toll data across 55+ countries. All this for businesses and commuters to to cost and time trade-off and make smarter decisions, choose their own optimal route. Going for an interview? choose the fastest route. Going for a leisure drive? choose the cheapest and save money. Stay tuned for more!
    Rucha Joshi
    @nick_mapup Really interesting! I can see more parameters being added to this such as factoring in cost of fuel and mileage as well when stuck in traffic, how scenic the route is etc. going to look out for this one. Good luck!
    Satyendra Sahani
    Hey Rucha, I am launching xperi.nz in March 1st week. We have spoken. Still, I'll be glad to get more feedback.
    ankita singh
    Hey Rucha! As you already have a hint, we are planning to launch out product in Feb. It is a DataOps platform where you can bring in your data from multiple sources and perform operations on them. You also get to automate your flows and share it with your stakeholders on multiple channels.
    Alessandro Pavan
    Planning the launch of V7 Darwin here :)
    Rucha Joshi
    @alessandro_pavan V7 has been doing really cool work. Looking forward to Darwin. what is it aimed towards?
    Valia Klym
    Going to launch an unlimited graphic design service here on PH. Will be thankful for feedback and support 🙂
    Rucha Joshi
    @tinaklym Many early-stage founders are on the lookout for freelance graphic design work. Good idea to launch here.
    Rucha Joshi
    @dawn_veltri1 Marketing folks are going to love this. Very helpful. Good luck with the launch! I am curious about how websites using Raek will be able to take visitor consent, will. it be baked into the cookie policy agreement?
    Dawn Veltri
    @rucha_joshi8 Hi Rucha, yes everything is outlined in our terms of service and privacy policy.
    Rajat Dangi 🛠️
    I'm planning to launch a side project I worked on along with @ansarimofid. It's a unique music discovery platform. More details after launch 🤐
    Rucha Joshi
    @ansarimofid @rajat_dangi1 sounds great, would love listening to new music that goes beyond what mySpotify algorithm suggests. Keep us posted!
    Joe Dwyer
    Launching https://www.ourfamilythread.com/ in early Feb. It's all about keeping families more closely connected to each other.
    Rucha Joshi
    @jmd_is_me I love this. I have stopped sharing on Facebook/instagram for privacy reasons and WhatsApp becomes too busy. Family thread seems to be in a very good space and I can see direct value addition for many folks. Good luck!
    Chandni Ramrakhiyani
    Hey Rucha, launching my first ever no-code project very soon! It would be helpful for product management enthusiasts. Would love to hear feedback from the community. Will share launch update very soon :)
    Rucha Joshi
    @chandni_ramrakhiyani seeing some great products in this domain. What does your product focus on? Would love to see the landing page if you can share it with us.
    Chandni Ramrakhiyani
    @rucha_joshi8 hey rucha, i am creating a repository of resources to help make the product management learning journey easier for aspiring product managers. :)
    Chandni Ramrakhiyani
    @rucha_joshi8 Hey Rucha, launched my project today. Here's the link: https://bit.ly/3ohKsd5 It would be great to hear your feedback. :)
    Rucha Joshi
    @chandni_ramrakhiyani heading there to check it out (:
    Dhruv Bhatia
    Will soon be launching Casa, a platform for startups to build their own community. Give it a spin 👉 https://trycasa.app
    Rucha Joshi
    @dhruv_bhatia Great offering, just checked out Casa. We might consider using it for our product - thursday
    Dhruv Bhatia
    @rucha_joshi8 thank you Rucha, would love to work with you on this! You can reach out at dhruv@trycasa.app or sign up at trycasa.app
    Andrew E
    Hi Rucha - happy to help out where I can. I was thinking of launching our product on product hunt, yes. We built novel AI to help automate investment research for stock investors and put an end to unnecessary news monitoring, investing by hunch, constant opinions by "experts" and redditt forum lurking: http://www.levelfields.ai. We're still gathering lots of feedback from users and figuring out the right UX/onboarding approach to make it super easy to use.
    Rucha Joshi
    @andrew_lvlf This is very exciting. lovely landing page and a solid offering. Which stock exchanges are you covering so far?
    Andrew E
    @rucha_joshi8 thank you. I think we need to do a better job on the website communicating all that's there, so it's a work in progress on the landing page front. But the app itself works incredibly well. We cover all of the NASDAQ and NYSE, though we're collecting data across many different exchanges and plan to roll those out in due course. Happy to provide access if you're interested in test driving.
    Rucha Joshi
    @andrew_lvlf Would love to try it out! Let me know when you rollout BSE (Bombay stock exchange).
    Eudald Camprubi
    Hola Rucha, We will soon, in a 4 weeks launch Nuclia (nuclia.com), a low-code API to let developers build ai-powered search engines for any data and for any data source. For multimedia content, Nuclia automatically transcribes the content in +20 languages, splits everything into meaningful paragraphs and indexes all the content. Hope you like what we are building! :)
    Rucha Joshi
    @eudald_camprubi oh wow, you got me at 20+ languages! So happy with products that include more people. Nuclia sounds very helpful. good luck!
    Talia Bender
    Hi Rucha, we will be launching our product in mid-March. At the moment we are still developing our product landing page -- but, feel free to stop by what we have in the meantime! Right now we have created one of the most popular vision AI repositories in the world, YOLOv5, and are working to turn this technology into something everyone can use. Basically, we are developing a product that allows anyone to do machine learning by sourcing, labeling, training, and deploying their models, without a single line of code. I like to call our Ultralytics HUB the Canva of AI 😊 Ultralytics HUB: https://ultralytics.com/hub YOLOv5 repo: https://github.com/ultralytics/y...
    Rucha Joshi
    @taliambender Democratising ML with no code? Love the idea. My team mate @aaftaab_v might be interested in checking it out.
    Aaftaab V
    @taliambender @rucha_joshi8 Product sounds exciting. Looking forward to using it.
    Ana Dodig
    Hey Rucha, My company is planning to launch new software very soon. Probably in early spring, so stay tuned :) Plaky is going to be a free project management alternative to Monday and Asana for managing projects, teams, and all types of work. We are definitely looking forward to hear what PH community has to say here about our new kid on the SaaS market! 🙂
    Rucha Joshi
    @dodig_ana Really exciting, looking forward to it. At Folly systems we use Linear currently.
    Lokap Sahu
    Your pocket interviewer, InPrepAI
    Hi Rucha, We plan on launching the product (Languify) soon. It is a Google Chrome extension, AI-assisted tool to enhance the communication skills based on 15+ fluency parameters. It acts as a personal coach to give real time nudges and positive feedback to make your online learning, fun. Will be happy to receive the feedback from you and the community here. Thanks & Regards!
    Alyssa X
    I just recently did a launch, but as usual I already have something else lined up! For a change I decided to work on a Mac menu bar app, even though I haven't done it before. Learning about Swift now, and hopefully it will be ready in a few weeks :) The product itself is something I personally have a need for, especially useful for traveling (which I do a lot of) and conserving battery. Not going to share much more just yet :P
    Rucha Joshi
    @alyssaxuu Super inspiring how you keep churning out so many! Keep going Alyssa 🙌
    Sakshi Fotedar
    We just launched our product today to empower creators to monetize their core fan base. Would love to have your support ! https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Rucha Joshi
    @sakshi_fotedar Looks great! congrats on the launch.
    Connor Jewiss
    Really interesting to hear about some of these upcoming projects, and exciting to see some of them launching soon! Feel free to hit me up on Twitter to talk more about them.
    sonja schmidt
    Yes - Tevent with full access coming soon!!
    Rucha Joshi
    @sonja_schmidt Awesome! What development phase is Tevent currently at?
    sonja schmidt
    @rucha_joshi8 Hi Rusha! Thanks for checking out Tevent - so glad you like it. We're currently in public beta and gearing up for full launch in about a month, which will include paid access with market beating prices guaranteed.