Launching our product next Monday. So excited and anxious too. Looking for launch tips!

Kisson Lin
67 replies


Frank K
Congrats on the upcoming launch! ik you'll feel anxious but trust the process!
Olivia Young
Can't wait! Make comprehensive plans and contingency plans, then keep confidence and enjoy the journey~
@candybabe Will do! Hope the product hunt family likes our product!
Kexin Liu
Big con! Make sure you have a good thumbnail!
@liu_kexin Thanks! Yup! Visual is important
Mark Pavlyukovskyy
Best of luck with your upcoming launch! Remember to build anticipation and engage your audience for a successful launch. You've got this!
@mark_pavlyukovskyy Thank you! Yes it's gonna be an exciting journey! I can't wait to see what users think about our product. :)
Gary Turner
Crafting a compelling pitch is essential as it grabs attention, communicates the value proposition, and entices potential users to try out your product.
@turner22g I'll test out a few pitches through discussion in the coming 3 days, and decide which one to finally use for the launch!
Kathy Turner
Utilizing social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram can help create excitement around your launch, allowing you to interact with your target audience, share sneak peeks, and gather feedback.
@kturner_ny8 Cool, thank you for your advice!
Lori King
Reaching out to influencers or media outlets in your industry can generate buzz, increase visibility, and potentially lead to coverage or endorsements that can significantly boost your launch success.
Debra Henderson
Congrats on the upcoming launch! Here are three tips: 1) Craft a compelling pitch showcasing your product's unique features, 2) Use social media to create buzz and engage with your audience, and 3) Reach out to influencers or media for publicity and visibility. Good luck!
@debra_h33 Thanks for your advice! Very helpful
Congrats!! Focus on delivering value and solving a problem for your customers. Good luck with your launch!
The behind the scene works will finally shine!!!! Can't wait til next Monday!
Xinchen Ye
Looking forward to it!!!! LFG!
Xiang Ying
Looking forward to the launch
SOOOOO EXCITED!Can't wait to use it
Hui Shu
Launch early, launch often! :)
It's going to be a wonderful journey, enjoy it!
Hey there, congrats on the upcoming launch! I can totally relate to your excitement and anxiety. Been there, done that! Here are a few tips from my experience: 1. Prepare for the Unexpected: No matter how much you plan, something unexpected will always pop up. So keep calm and carry on. 2. Test Everything...Again: You've probably tested everything already but do it again anyway! It's better to be safe than sorry. 3. Get Some Sleep: Seriously, don't pull an all-nighter before the big day. You'll need all your energy when things go live. 4. Have Your Elevator Pitch Ready: Be ready to explain what your product does in 30 seconds or less - you never know who might ask! 5. Celebrate Small Wins: Launching is stressful so remember to celebrate even small victories along the way. 6. And lastly, remember this: "If at first you don't succeed...welcome to startup life!" 😄 Good luck with your launch! Can't wait to see what you've been working on.
@truebutsad Thank you for the great advice!
Congratulations and good luck with your launch! Once your product is live on Product Hunt, be active and responsive in the comments section. Answer questions, address concerns, and engage with users who show interest in your product. This will help build trust and credibility.
Kaneshiro Takeshi
There is a beam of light, that moment, it's so bright it hurts. Your gaze, it's understanding, that's why I can't bear to extinguish it. I look into the light, yet I see.
Let the product's most amazing ability to explode in front of the users!
Nuno Pesikin
attendre! Pouvez-vous révéler la forme générale du produit à l'avance ...? 😋😋