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  • Launch first figure it out later or validate first then launch

    3 replies
    Hey! I see startup founders usually either launch MVP first, then figure the rest out as they go, OR validate and conduct market research, build a list, THEN launch. I just wanted to ask everyone's opinion on which method they prefer and which is better do you think Thanks!


    Renat Abyasov
    First we built and validated the product for a long time and now we are launching. I think it's important to keep the balance and do the launch as early as possible, but to have a foundation to lean on. Because you need to have an understanding of who your product is for and what it does.
    Alec Nguyen
    whichever depends on your situation. If you are really passionate about the problem and you believe your MVP would solve it, go for it, launch, validate. Especially when it doesn't take too long to build the MVP. In the case that the MVP is costly, or it takes time to build, you would want to validate first. This would save you a lot of troubles down the line. Trust me. Also, I'm launching upcoming Wednesday.
    André J
    Validate hard, build fast, push the product like your life depends on it