Keeping up with the latest trends 🔍 🌐

Bahar Ozkan
3 replies
How do you stay informed about the latest trends and advancements in digital product growth and marketing?


Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
Hey Bahar! For me - I like to see what people are talking about on communities and platforms like X, LinkedIn, and Reddit. And then going through newsletters and articles as well 👍 That helps me paint a good idea of what's generally "trending" right now. How about you?
@brenkinfa The flow is pretty much the same for me. I sometimes get distracted by a lot of information bombardment, tho!
Roland Marlow
I try and avoid going down rabit holes/shiny object syndrome. I will see new things on social media, sometimes I look into them more, sometime I don't let them distract me. For the most part, all business and marketing is the same as it was 10, 20, 50 years ago, just the channels change. But they don't change as much as people think in the short term. It's a balancing act so you know whats new but don't waste time on everything that comes up.