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  • Job interview. Any questions that run you crazy?

    Salar Davari
    9 replies


    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Where do you see yourself in 5 years? :D I understand that they would like to have a clear vision but the world changes so fast. To come up with some answers is naive nonsense. I am not a fortune teller. :D
    Salar Davari
    @busmark_w_nika That's what I meant. Everyone can make plans, but there is no guarantee that nothing gets in the way!!
    Borey Washington
    Behavioral questions are ok for me; I'm annoyed by the algorithm questions, it's impractical.
    Salar Davari
    @borey_washington Hmmm. Could you give an example?
    Emily Willis
    When you're interviewing a lot (like I was after the COVID travel ban killed every role in the travel industry!), all those predictable, cookie-cutter questions are a real bore. "What are your weaknesses?", "Tell me about a time when you experienced conflict and how did you resolve it". It shows zero effort to really get to know a candidate. Contrast that with my interview with our Founder & CEO, Michelle. After I had answered questions on what motivates me, Michelle was able to pinpoint the ways she & I would run up against conflict and asked me about them. Michelle also highlighted my strengths and, discussed potential blind spots & asked how I would overcome them. I learned more about my work style from that one interview than I'd learned in any interview before!