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  • JavaScript vs Python for Web Scraping, Which is Better?

    Liam Tim
    9 replies
    Many people told me that python programming is the most beautiful programming language, while JavaScript is more associated with web development. So which is better for web scraping?


    Derek Liu
    It depends on your situation. If you're working on a front-end feature, JavaScript might be a better choice because it leverages the client's computing power and avoids extra round trips to the backend server. However, if you're developing a standalone tool or are less concerned about architecture, it comes down to which language you’re more comfortable with. If both languages are fine for you, choose the one with better library support (avoid compatibility issue in the future) and clear documentation. Hope this helps!
    Liam Tim
    @derek_liu_dev Yes for Business and Developers! It's a web scraping toolkit including web unlocker, proxies, captcha solver, etc.
    Liam Tim
    @derek_liu_dev Thks bro! 🤝we are going to launch a web scraping tool, and the last few days I was thinking about people's programming language selection, your reply really gave me an idea!
    Derek Liu
    @liam_tim Welcome. Glad it helps. So your tool is designed for developers? Is it a library?
    Daniel James Harris
    I've used both and prefer Python overall for web scraping. The Beautiful Soup and Scrapy libraries make it really easy to parse HTML and automate crawling. JavaScript is great if you need to scrape client-side rendered content, but Python's simplicity and robust libraries give it the edge for most scraping tasks IMO. Plus deploying standalone Python scrapers is more straightforward.
    Liam Tim
    @danieljamesharris Thank you very much Daniel! We are going to launch a web scraping tool, your reply really helps me!
    Alistair Blake Sutherland
    It really depends on your specific use case and comfort level with each language. Python has great libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy that make web scraping pretty straightforward. JavaScript can work well if you need to do client-side scraping. Ultimately, go with whichever language you're more proficient in and has good library support for your scraping needs. Both can get the job done!
    Liam Tim
    @alistairblakesutherland Thks bro! I've been thinking about people's choice of programming language since we're about to release a web scraping tool, and your response really helped me think of something!
    Brandon Lee Mitchell
    It really depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you're more comfortable with JavaScript and will be doing a lot of front-end work, then using JS for web scraping can help keep things consistent. But Python has great libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy that make web scraping a breeze. Personally, I find Python syntax cleaner for parsing and manipulating data. But there's no definitive 'better' choice - go with whichever language will allow you to build what you need most effectively! The most important thing is using good techniques to extract data reliably and efficiently, regardless of language.