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  • It is right and ultimate to use multiple apps from the same category

    Kacper Raubo
    6 replies
    Since I started using a computer, I have believed that there always is some “ideal software stack”, which consists of one app from each category. That I have to choose between Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw. Later between Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and Tidal. I was looking for the ideal app, so that I could choose and use just one. The ones, who taught me that were my devices. They seem to be designed to encourage us to use one app for text messaging, one for using camera, one for browsing the Web and so on. And it would be best, if we used the ones made by the device’s producer. Since the essence of any market is competing (i.e. on the same market, there are numerous brands, so the nature of any market is sharing it), and examples of Spotify and Netflix shows us how using some goods (like music and movies) may looks, from my point of view, for achieving our goals and doing our tasks, we should use multiple apps from the same category. Rather than choose whether to use Netflix or Prime Video, there should be a platform that enables to use both. Exactly like Spotify enables to listen to multiple albums and Netflix to watch multiple movies.


    Hussain Effendi
    If you are working on a solution to this I would be on the first few people to sign up. I spend half of my Saturday nights, switching between different OTT platforms and trying to figure out what to watch and where :)
    Kacper Raubo
    @heffendi, great, I will remember :) In general, I noticed the same problem. The fact that there always are several apps on the same market, makes it natural that people use multiple of them. The problem is that their and operating systems providers make a wrong assumption that it is not like that - that users use just one app from a particular category. That is why switching between them and browsing across them is so difficult and non-intuitive. I think that operating systems could treat all apps from the same category as a single one. I think that it would be a response to the problem you encountered. Take a look at my article on Medium - I visually introduce this concept there: https://medium.com/@raubo/it-is-...
    Hussain Effendi
    /@raubo @raubo Was a great read! Short and to the point. Now that i think of it, there are so many more apps other than OTT's that could use a single platform, thinking from a users perspective! It would just make a users life easier and increase the happiness index :)
    Andrew H
    It'll be hard to make this happen, since content providers / services would lose their control over what the end user sees. I wish this was a real possibility that made sense for businesses though.
    Kacper Raubo
    @anduru_dev, well, they would probably not. What I am talking about here is just a way of giving an access to apps, not about the apps itself. In the post I point that we could think whether it would not be more convenient to treat software like Spotify treats music or Netflix movies.
    Rawle James
    very good point, which i think most people agree with