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  • Isn't referral marketing more important than ever?

    5 replies
    I recently witnessed a discussion about the relevance of referral marketing, and that it is no longer as effective, because too many B2C businesses implement it. I certainly find truth in this statement, though it's hard to think of any successful marketing strategy that is not being vastly implemented by businesses these days. I personally think that referral marketing is now more important than ever, as customers are increasingly turning to the recommendations of their friends and family before making purchasing decisions. It's just way too many products and services out there, and as a consumer, it is always helpful to hear someone else's opinion. I'm looking forward to hear your point of view and would greatly appreciate if any of you would like to share! :)


    Fabian Maume
    In B2B referral marketing is still important for sure. I think that content distribution, in general, will become key in the incoming year with the explosion of AI content. And good content distribution usually boosts referrals.
    @fabian_maume Thank you for sharing Fabian! I totally agree. It's going to be a race of who creates the better content.
    Mikhail Pashintsev
    @fabian_maume as for b2b i think it's even more crucial to have proper and effective viral loops for referral marketing
    Murali Gottumukkala
    It's absolutely a great way to get more customers. In fact it makes it easy from the sales stand point as well
    @murali_aasaan Thank you for sharing Murali! I think so too, it builds upon the network effect.